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You must have heard of the epidemic occurrence of Coronavirus at this time with a high probability of becoming a pandemic if not well-curtailed. This article speaks on quick facts that you need to know about the deadly virus to keep you and your loved ones safe this period.

While you don’t have to be scared, not less than one hundred and thirty-two (132) people have been confirmed dead in China, the origin of its outbreak as at 28th January 2020. Approximately five thousand, nine hundred and seventy-four (5,974) are infected with the deadly virus as of date. The good news is that about one hundred and two (102) persons have been cured [1]. Some of these individuals are outside China as detection was not quick enough to contain them.  Two European occurrences have been confirmed in France [2]. Nevertheless, serious work is underway by various health organizations to put everything in order.


  • The Coronavirus can cause nose infection, in the upper throat and also sinuses such as sore throat and cough.
  • A typical Coronovirus is harmless and self-limiting when expressed or treated with over-the-counter medications.
  • However, there have some dangerous types isolated. An example is the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus responsible for some MER outbreaks in 2012, 2014, and 2015. Another is the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus responsible for about 774 deaths in 2003.
  • The latest Coronavirus, responsible for the present outbreak, is the 2019-nCoV (2019 novel Coronavirus) [3].


  • Upper respiratory infection symptoms such as cough, runny nose, and sore throat which are common to other viral infections as well.


  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Handling infected objects such as door knobs, face, hands, etc


  • Wash your hands well with the aid of soap and water
  • Make use of hand sanitizers
  • Use nose masks especially around infected individuals or coughing persons


  • Rest well
  • Drink plenty  water and fluids
  • Eat balanced diet
  • Take plenty fruits

Further Reading

Corona virus (2020) [online]. Available at (Accessed 29th January, 2020)

Griffiths, J. John, T. George, S. (2020) January 24 coronavirus news [online]. Available at (Accessed 29th January, 2020)

Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) World Health Organization [online]. Available at (Accessed 29th January, 2020)

Wang, C. Cheng, E. Huang, E. (2020) Coronavirus live updates: Chinese health officials say death toll has risen to 132 [online]. Available at (Accessed 29th January, 2020)


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